Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dissolution - Richard Lee Byers

This is another book from the Forgotten Realms world.  It follows the intrigue in the Underdark, between the different Houses in Menzoberranzan and the mystery of where exactly the Spider Queen, Lolth, has gone to.

Their dark goddess seemed to have left the drow, leaving a city full of abused and angry slaves under the care of powerless priestesses. The males of the city begin to rise up in discontent against the dominant females of their species and a rebel force grows.

We see much of the story through the eyes of a mouthy drow mage, Pharaun.  His friend - as much of a drow can have or be a friend - Ryld, master of Melee-Magthere follows him on his quest to solve the mystery of where all these male nobles are disappearing to, only to stumble upon an unlikely rebel alliance.

I've only ever read one book set in the Underdark (one book BEFORE reading this series) and this book really fleshes out answers to all the questions I had after being introduced to this other world.  We see exactly how the females treat the males and their slaves, what exactly honor means to them, and how it's frowned upon. 

I've already read the second in the series of four and am eager to discuss the next book so I shall leave it at this for now.

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