Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ten Things I Love About You - Julia Quinn

My what an influx of Julia Quinn!

In case you were wondering, this magical influx is due a visit from my mom.  They just closed down the one proper bookstore within 50 miles of my hometown so when she came to visit she really wanted to hit up a Barnes and Nobles, so that's what we did.  And I may have bought a pile of books :3  Or maybe she did, I'm not sure.  We read a lot of the same stuff anyways so it doesn't matter all THAT much.

Now this book is a bit of a branch out from the Bevelstokes.  It follows the romance of Sebastian Grey, Olivia's cousin-in-law.  The one who did a reading of a cheesy romance book from atop a coffee table, one so moving that it made the maids cry (tears of joy) and then fell off the table and dislocated his arm.  Not in this book, but in the one with Olivia.  Which I will eventually get to reviewing. 

But yes.  Sebastian.  This book is pretty funny and takes on themes I definitely do not remember in other books from Quinn, and it's a good thing.  It's pretty nice to vary it like this.

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