Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Devil's Labyrnth - John Saul

This was just a book I found at my local used bookstore.  I was trying to get more into the horror genre because I think I finally finished the Demonata series - which I've recommended often enough to people so I won't write about it here. 

In any case, this book is about a fifteen-year-old boy who got sent to a Catholic boarding school due to problems with his peers.  Only problem is that kids keep disappearing.  The building alone is creepy;  there's some sort of unmapped catacombs beneath the building that students use to get from class to class quickly that is conveniently unlit at all hours. 

What I originally thought was going to be some madman's irrationally bid for supremacy over the world or something turned into something remarkably small-minded by the end of the book.  The author had really built the story up to be something that was so much bigger. 

Overall though, not a bad read, especially not for a nice used book. Recommendation?  Sure if you like religion-based horror stories. 

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